
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

dark eldar harlequins- first wip

Here are some first wip pics of a dark eldar harlequin unit I'm working on right now. There will be 6 of those guys (with troupe master).
I wanted them to look darker that what other people do with their harlequins. There won't be so many bright colors or symbols as for example on GW version. I'll try to use mostly purples and blues.what do you think about them?

Monday, May 30, 2011

We'll be back!


Lately we've all been busy, there were no updates, and Gimiak left TBB;(
But we'll start blogging again! Starting tommorow, I'll show you some wip pics of dark eldar harlequins I'm working on right now. Czys has also been painting, expect some GK in few days:) And there will be even more GK, thanks to REDAV!
So stay tuned for updates, check our blog tommorow:)


Sunday, May 15, 2011


I've finished my latest work- Dark Eldar Succubus. I'm happy of how it turned:) Wanted to try some OSL and to keep everything in dark mood

here are more photos

I hope you like:)

GK painting contest additional prizes !!!


I wish to thank you for participating and voting in our small competition. I happy that so many of you wanted to participate and I hope it will be eaven better in future events.
I want to thank our sponsor "fireant" for the man prize because it is a grate initiative so grats for this.
As we mentioned we wanted to give mine and Loler's terminator to two random participants so the lucky winners are:

13: Keram - and and the prize is Loler's Terminator

3: Billy - and he will get my terminator

So contact us and send as your private data so we can send you those figures :D.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

GK painting contest winner

Hi there,

We would like to thank you for voting in our small Grey Knight painting competition. The victory goes to entry #6 painted by DawiZharr. Very nice peace of art. Below you can see few other shoots from Dawi's entry.

So Grey Knights Dreadknight goes to DawiZharr. Congratulations.

I've also a sad message for you. Due to my lack of time and some inner problems I'll not participate in creation of this really cool miniature painting blog. Maybe occasionally if I'll find some time I'll put something but I don't want to promise anything. So far this is my farewell post. It was a pleasure to share ideas, painting schemes etc. with you.

Ps: It's not that I'm going to end with painting, right now I just can't find place and time to do it.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Grey Knights Chapter Master painting tutorial (step by step) - part four


Well sorry for delay in my tutorial, but I was unable to find time to paint anything. Due to some problems I've lost pictures from my digi camera. What you see below it's the final prepared model.

Painting tabard
I had three attempts on painting tabard. Below you can see the very last version. I've started with Liche Purple which was shaded with Liche Purple mixed with Chaos Black 3:1. Tabard was highlighted with Warlock Purple, Warlock Purple and Bleached Bone mixture.

Painting power weapon
It was unusuall for me to paint PW in this way. So far I've painted it with regular metallics. This time I've wanted to try something new. Chaos Black and Regal Blue was choosen as a shade, Regal Blue as a base and Ice Blue as the final highlight on the blade. Thin layer of Skull White was applied on the very edges. I know it isn't perfect, but you have to give me a credit - it was my PW ever. ;)

Well, nothing special at all but my small tutorial is finally finished. Hopefully it will not be my last entry on our blog in this month. But looking at my job tasks my painting and hobby time looks very short. Life... such a beautiful thing... ;)


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Grey Knights competition entries


We've got 21 entries for our small GK painting competition. Please leave vote in comment section below. Deadline for voting is 12 May. Let the best win.

#1 Adam Eldord

#2 Arithon

#3 Billy

#4 Cartmell

#5 Cody Quan

#6 DawiZharr

#7 Denniz

#8 Equos

#9 Filipz

#10 Fuzzbuket

#11 Hevelius

#12 Karenus

#13 Keram

#14 Kreaven

#15 Luke

#16 Maciej Cwajda

#17 Major Tom

#18 M.IKE

#19 Pokrzyw

#20 Przemo

#21 Spiky James