
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kommandos Nob wip 1.1

It's me again. It's good to be alive again. ;) Yesterday we've a painting session, so expect more pics in a near future. As mention earlier I've started painting this little fella. First two shots are from the painting session.

 And here I manage to finish Nob head. Looking at those pictures I must admit that greens and browns doesn't look well on images. I've used default setting in my camera, but next time I'll find a solution making some changes in camera setting.

That's it for now. Next week I'll work on the Nob body.


  1. Zajebiste gogle. Wary też świetne, ale kontrast między zieloną gębą a wargami jest jak na moje gusta jeszcze nieco za ostry :D Tak czy siak, będzie śliczny paskud.

  2. Hey man, this is pretty great. However, I would really recommend trying to put the pink only on the bottom lip. With both lips done this way, it looks as though he has lipstick on. My guess you ain't going for tranny-ork haha! Otherwise really good job. Here is an update on mine:


  3. As for the lips, when the whole model will be finished I'll give them a new look. Tim, I was looking today at your posts. Nob is looking great. I'm just not able to paint that fast as you do. ;)

  4. Dobra robota, zapowiada sie świetna figsa :)
    Coloured Dust

  5. Oh dear!
    Such a lovely skin tone. How you've managed to make it?
