some time ago I made a little tutorial about making battle damage using masking fluid and pastels.
the first step was to paint an entire area that we want to be demaged with a rusty color (I used a mix of brown, black and red)

now it's time to put some masking fluid. I used some kind of sponge used for aquariums... but you can use anything sponge-like or of irregular shape. I tried to make some big chips with some small around so that it looks more random and natural,

when everything's dry just cover it with a color you'd like to be battle damaged:)

Now rub of the fluid using rubber or blutac

As you see it's starting to look better. Your next step is to to paint every bottom edge of all your chips with brighter tone of your base color (you can use white for light base colors, as i did) . It looks like there is light straight from the top of the battle damage. It can be quite time consuming but it's worht it.

To make it look more 3D I made some shadows on top of every chip using black

Ok and the last but not least. Take some dry pastels (you can buy them in all art shops), cruble some and put where you want, just to make it look dirty. I decided to leave a little space between battle damage and the pastels because I think it looks even more 3D.

So that's how it looks finished. now you need to apply a matt spray verniks. I hope it helps anyone!