It's been a while since I've posted anything. Today you may look at my still in progres Blood Angels dreadnought. I'm actually working on three different weapon arms (right). When this proces will be finished I'll add blood drops here and there. This model is actually my next-to-last model, which I've planned to paint in this year. The last one is the drop pod's top plates and engine. But looking at the time frame my last projects provision will extend to the beginning of 2012. As for the next year, and after finishing above mentioned models, I'll continue to expand my Blood Angels army right after Dwarf Gargin Ironfist and Dreadfleet models. And I think the last on will consume a lot of my free time. Game itsels is great, but playing with grey ships ruin the whole thig. ;)
Best regards and see you in next year! Best wishes.
Ps: We are planing a small painting competition in January and the main subject will be this little plastic guy. More details in near future. Are there any disposed painters for painting him just for fun and joy of painting? ;)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Let it Rot
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmass!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
YAY! Finally some free time. Expect some miniatures painted by me in a few days;). Yay again;)
Monday, November 28, 2011
If you are interested in buying my Empire standard bearer then check out this link!
This mini won silver in Hussar 2010 single category and finalist at Golden Demon UK 2011 in single wfb.

If you are interested in buying my Empire standard bearer then check out this link!
This mini won silver in Hussar 2010 single category and finalist at Golden Demon UK 2011 in single wfb.

Sunday, November 27, 2011
Back from a long painting brake - finished Lelith Hesperax
It was a long time since my last post but now I'm back. I had some difficulties with finding time to paint and some problems with inspiration but now its better and my projects will see some progress.
I wanted to show you the finished Lelith Hesperax model. I painted her for the polish Hussar 2011 competition but there ware so many better paint jobs and she wasn't so good, so better luck next year (and by luck i mean much more work to beat those fantastic painters).
So tell me how do you like this model.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
If you are interested in buying my Eldrad then you should check this out!--->http://www.ebay.com/itm/Eldar-Eldrad-pro-painted-/270857810271?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f1062315f
If you are interested in buying my Eldrad then you should check this out!--->http://www.ebay.com/itm/Eldar-Eldrad-pro-painted-/270857810271?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f1062315f

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Master of Imagination!
Last weekend We were in Lublin, Poland at Master of Imagination competiotion. And it was awesome! What is always the best in those events is that I could see and talk to all those great people again (and meet some new:) .
Apart from painting competition we could all spend some time... painting together!:) cool experience, for example Slawol showed me his methods for making blood! thanks mate:)
Some of the painters (including me) were doing some lessons. And there was speed painting competiotion:) And lots more great atractians:)
Here are some pics:)

Oh and my results!
I was lucky enough to win gold in large model, gold in sigle sci fi and silver in single fantasy. And I won Grand Prinx! YAY!:D And I won some great miniatures as rewards. Lovely miniatures, I'll show them to you next time (now I can't take a picture of them)

GREAT weekend, can't wait to Master of Imagination 2012! Hope to see youe there!
That would be all:)
Last weekend We were in Lublin, Poland at Master of Imagination competiotion. And it was awesome! What is always the best in those events is that I could see and talk to all those great people again (and meet some new:) .
Apart from painting competition we could all spend some time... painting together!:) cool experience, for example Slawol showed me his methods for making blood! thanks mate:)
Some of the painters (including me) were doing some lessons. And there was speed painting competiotion:) And lots more great atractians:)
Here are some pics:)
some of participants and jury:)
(Rakso, Eliasz, Ignis, me, Rapta, mr. Denial, Slawol, Jerzyk and Smok)
(Rakso, Eliasz, Ignis, me, Rapta, mr. Denial, Slawol, Jerzyk and Smok)
speed painting
Slawol teaching:)
Rapta's classes
school of Camel
me, making scenic base
me getting one of the rewards:)
After Party! (there were more of us but there aren't many photos)

Oh and my results!
I was lucky enough to win gold in large model, gold in sigle sci fi and silver in single fantasy. And I won Grand Prinx! YAY!:D And I won some great miniatures as rewards. Lovely miniatures, I'll show them to you next time (now I can't take a picture of them)

and the Grand Prinx!!
(my precious!)
(my precious!)
GREAT weekend, can't wait to Master of Imagination 2012! Hope to see youe there!
That would be all:)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Few pics from my bag - Sternguard Veteran and Gabriel Seth
It's been a loong time since my last post, unfortunately due to some health issues I wasn't able post anything. In time of net silance I was hard working on two models - fifth Sternguard Veteran and Gabriel Seth. Both models are for my Blood Angels army. So far I didn't finished backpacks for my vets, but I'll do it in near future. As for the current projects, I have a plan to finish my last two open projects - fifth Drop Pod and a BA Dreadnought. Looking ath my work schedule I'll finish this projects around middle of December. My next project will be Garagrim Ironfist from the Dwarfs range.
One from the coolest dwarf models. As for the BA models, I was experimenting with red. This time I didn't used airbrush for the red. Yep, that's it. Till next time.
It's been a loong time since my last post, unfortunately due to some health issues I wasn't able post anything. In time of net silance I was hard working on two models - fifth Sternguard Veteran and Gabriel Seth. Both models are for my Blood Angels army. So far I didn't finished backpacks for my vets, but I'll do it in near future. As for the current projects, I have a plan to finish my last two open projects - fifth Drop Pod and a BA Dreadnought. Looking ath my work schedule I'll finish this projects around middle of December. My next project will be Garagrim Ironfist from the Dwarfs range.
One from the coolest dwarf models. As for the BA models, I was experimenting with red. This time I didn't used airbrush for the red. Yep, that's it. Till next time.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
still alive:)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Hussar 2011!
Hello there:)
Last weekend me and REDAV went to Warsaw to take part in Hussar 2011 (biggest polish competition). Lovely event:) it was great to meet all the painters again, talk about miniatures and other not related stuff:)
As for the competition, there were lots of beautiful miniatures, painted by great painters such as Ańa, Mahoń, Camelson, Flameon, C'tan, Sławol, Karol Rudyk, mr. Denial, Kacpero, Ignis and Rakso and many, many more, all willing to win. The trophies were Hussarettes (picture below) but the main award was sponsored by CoolMiniOrNot and it was a return ticket to Chicago for next year's Crystal Brush competition.
Hussar wasn't only a competition. There were other atractions:)
the first were sculpting classes Robert Kurek (sculptor of the Hussarettes). Great fun, I made a bust and Robert said it was great!:) I'll post the bust pics later:)
then there were painting classes with Ańa and Camelson.

Next atraction was giving free gifts to random paricipants:) After that we were all waintg for the final verdict. I was extremely happy when I heard that I got bronze in Diorama and gold in Single SF!
And the winner of Grand Prinx and flight to Crystal Brush 2012 was Flameon. Congratulations mate:)

Then was an after party:) we all had some more time to talk in a company of refreshing and cold beer (REDAV couldn't drink, he was driving a car :D)
and here are my entries

Here is >>gallery link<< with all the works from Hussar 2011.
That would be all:) Hope to see some of you on next year's Hussar. Mark it on you Calendar, October 2012!!:)
PS. In 2 weeks there will be Master of Imagination competition (during Mad Days). I need to paint quickly if want to enter something new:)
Last weekend me and REDAV went to Warsaw to take part in Hussar 2011 (biggest polish competition). Lovely event:) it was great to meet all the painters again, talk about miniatures and other not related stuff:)
As for the competition, there were lots of beautiful miniatures, painted by great painters such as Ańa, Mahoń, Camelson, Flameon, C'tan, Sławol, Karol Rudyk, mr. Denial, Kacpero, Ignis and Rakso and many, many more, all willing to win. The trophies were Hussarettes (picture below) but the main award was sponsored by CoolMiniOrNot and it was a return ticket to Chicago for next year's Crystal Brush competition.
Hussar wasn't only a competition. There were other atractions:)
the first were sculpting classes Robert Kurek (sculptor of the Hussarettes). Great fun, I made a bust and Robert said it was great!:) I'll post the bust pics later:)
Robert teaching:)

Then there was a speed painting competition organised by Warsaw Team. Last year it was great. This year, even better! We all had to paint high elf spearman within 45 minutes. But to make it more interesting we had 2 paints... then, after 8 minutes those paints were changed for some other, random colors. Then again, and again...;) I really liked it, and I was lucky enough to win second place:)

me, painting a spearmen:) (in the center)

And the winner of Grand Prinx and flight to Crystal Brush 2012 was Flameon. Congratulations mate:)

Then was an after party:) we all had some more time to talk in a company of refreshing and cold beer (REDAV couldn't drink, he was driving a car :D)
and here are my entries
Inguisitor Lok. Gold in Single SF

That would be all:) Hope to see some of you on next year's Hussar. Mark it on you Calendar, October 2012!!:)
PS. In 2 weeks there will be Master of Imagination competition (during Mad Days). I need to paint quickly if want to enter something new:)
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