Last weekend We were in Lublin, Poland at Master of Imagination competiotion. And it was awesome! What is always the best in those events is that I could see and talk to all those great people again (and meet some new:) .
Apart from painting competition we could all spend some time... painting together!:) cool experience, for example Slawol showed me his methods for making blood! thanks mate:)
Some of the painters (including me) were doing some lessons. And there was speed painting competiotion:) And lots more great atractians:)
Here are some pics:)
some of participants and jury:)
(Rakso, Eliasz, Ignis, me, Rapta, mr. Denial, Slawol, Jerzyk and Smok)
(Rakso, Eliasz, Ignis, me, Rapta, mr. Denial, Slawol, Jerzyk and Smok)
speed painting
Slawol teaching:)
Rapta's classes
school of Camel
me, making scenic base
me getting one of the rewards:)
After Party! (there were more of us but there aren't many photos)
Oh and my results!
I was lucky enough to win gold in large model, gold in sigle sci fi and silver in single fantasy. And I won Grand Prinx! YAY!:D And I won some great miniatures as rewards. Lovely miniatures, I'll show them to you next time (now I can't take a picture of them)
and the Grand Prinx!!
(my precious!)
(my precious!)
GREAT weekend, can't wait to Master of Imagination 2012! Hope to see youe there!
That would be all:)
Excellent, well done and TY for the pics.