Thursday, June 30, 2011
Death Cult Assassins
Grey Knights army got many interessting units to hire from the new codex. One of them are Death Culs Assassins from Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband. With two power weapons, four attack on charge with initiative and weapon skill 5 there are a one good killing unit. If you add Inquisitor with rad and psychotroke granades and Hammerhand and up to four Crusader the unit becomes very effective. But there is a hidden hint behind it... GW have relases only 2 design, in fact only one is legal (the one with two weapons). Two models in one blister for around 9GBP is IMHO an expensive option if you would like to hire them in your army...
Alternativly you can purchase Dark Eldar Wyches and buy additional right arms with blades to create a very nice looking and cheap Death Cult Assassin unit. Additional army could be taken from DE Venom, DE Raider and DE Revenger. Below you can see how does this unit could look like.
Maybe you got other ideas how to build Death Cult Assaissins. It will be nice if you could share some ideas. ;)
auction with Man O'War on ebay ending soon
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
2 harlequins
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
GK Paladins WIP - Some finishing touches left.
I have been working on those models for some time but I hope to finish them soon. Here you can see what progress I have made from my last post.

Now I need to paint some inscriptions on scrolls and books, finish the apothecary's gauntlet, paint some freehands on shoulder pads and on Justicars scarf and I need to paint the banner. So as you can see there is still much to do.
I hope they look good :D
Monday, June 27, 2011
Death Company Dreadnought wip - part 3
A quick note from me. Few additional shoots from actual painted model.
Expect more pictures or maybe a finished model (hopefully) next Monday.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Death Company Dreadnought wip - part 2
More than one month ago I've started painting DC Dreadnought for my Blood Angels army. Due to some time problems and GK Terminator competition I was forced to pull this big guy aside. This Friday I've finally find some time to start painting my models. Using the same method which I've used on Space Wolf Guard Terminator some time ago I'ce applied rust effect one the whole model. As for black areas, the whole model was painted with 1:1 Chaos Black and Regal Blue mixture. Edges were highlighted with Codex Grey.
I've to repaint skull, because the effect isn't what I wanted to achieve. If you would like to see further progress, chech our blog on Tuesday for further wip shots.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Completed Blood Angels army build 1.0
I'm back from the Warp to give you some news. From the beginning of the next month I'll be able to spend more time on hobby, especially on painting miniatures. I'm in a process of painting Death Company Dreadnought, so expect some wip pictures.
Painting an army isn't an easy task. You have to have strong will to continue painting the same army for months... My army project (v1.0) took me 20 months and the whole thing has around 2400 points. Of course this isn't over, I'll still work and paint new models for my army to expand it even further. As mention before, next model on the painting plate is Death Company Dreadnought.
If you have any questions and/or comments, feel free to leave them below.
Ps: In a near future I'll write a little bit about Finecast.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
harlequin- first done and a wip of the second one
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Some thoughts on Finecast and a progress photo of my Paladins.
At last I got my hands on some Finecast models and confront them with that what I heave read about them for past weeks. The first thing I noticed is that the material is light but it feels like rubber and this isn’t good. I showed them to my wife and she told me that it looks like cheap action figure for a kid :P. The good part in those models have better details and this is a good thing but there are many bubbles that you need to fill. Overall I am not impressed but I hope they will work on quality control and then those models will be ok.
As for my terminators I finished golden NMM parts and tomorrow I will paint some red elements.