We spent some quality time on Hussar 2010 as Loloer has already stated. There ware many amazing minis and i had a good time talking to painters I only knew from Chest of Colors forum. I feel obliged to thank all people that made this contest happen and I hope it wont be the last Hussar hehe.
I entered the competition with two minis and the firs was my Nova in Large Model category and second was Galhyan in Single Fantasy. I managed to win two bronze prizes and it was a very big surprise for me so I'm a very happy RED :D.

And here u have a photo of the Bronze statuette because in my opinion its brilliant and its sculptor should have a medal hehe.

This one needs only 3 paint and he is happy as hell heheh (Loler, Davi seriously painting with 3 colors hehehe)

Now with much more energy dediceted for painting im begining my Sanguinor so I see you soon.
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