Monday, March 4, 2013

Mila Kusanagi - WIP2.0


I managed to do some progress on my version of Mila Kusanagi from Andrea Miniatures. Still there is much work to do on this model but I think now you can see how it will look finished. After choosing that her Armour will be green I'm trying to be consequent with the rest of colors so that it all fits well together. I still haven't made the decision about the color of her hair but we will see :D. So here you have some photos and if you notice something that can bee better feel free to comment.



  1. Looks great! What about making her hait red(ish) and her Skin in warm tones? This would give a nice Contrast to the armor and draws the attention to the face.

    Impressive work! Greetings, Solmar

  2. Thx for the advice and I think I will try to make red hair. By the end of the week you will see how it worked out.
